Annual Campaign



Alumni Association
of the Year
2011 - 2012

William R. Nester Award
2010 - 2011

Outstanding New
Alumni Association
2006 - 2007

Social Media

Pike University Scholarships

November 11th, 2011

The weekend of November 11-13, Pike University will be held in Kansas City, MO. Mike Pearson stepped up and sponsored the first scholarship to Pike U. and challenged other alumni to follow suit. These efforts have produced 19 scholarships/attendees of ZX to this weekend’s event. Pike U is a professional showcase which only will benefit our colony members. This is a tremendous accomplishment started by Mike and supported by alumni. Congratulations gentlemen, nicely done. ZXAA also provided $600 in hotel expenses for our gentlemen to stay in Kansas City. Below is a list of those providing scholarships:

Jim Holt (2)
Phillip Roberston
Mike Pearson
Chris Lee
Tony Wood
Brent Kuenzel
Kevin Green
Dave Krough
Jay Jackson (2)
Brian Noble (2)
Michael Shank
Kim Hancock
Mac Humphries
Kenny Rahmeyer
Zeta Chi Alumni Association
Jim Roebuck

Thanks again for everyone’s support towards this program.

Jim Roebuck, President
Zeta Chi Alumni Association

Kim Hancock Letter

November 6th, 2011


I wanted to share a letter I received from Kim Hancock, the first recipient of the Colonel Edgar Baxter Award. Kim clearly went above and beyond to restore our 1940 Ford fire truck. The photo he is referring to is the one attached in my last email. Thanks again Kim and Congratulations on the Baxter award!

Jim Roebuck, President
Zeta Chi Alumni Association

Annual Meeting & Homecoming Update

November 2nd, 2011

Our Annual Meeting/Homecoming/Poker Night was held over the weekend. A tremendous success, and thanks to all for attending and contributing. The first ever Colonel Edgar Baxter award was presented to Kim Hancock for his efforts in restoring the fire truck. The Baxter award is our highest honor given out to an alumnus and will be presented when someone goes above and beyond the call of duty. An additional award was presented also and will be given out annually. To say it was a surprise is an understatement. It was/will be given for Outstanding Alumni Service, it is called the Jim Roebuck Award.

In a previous email, Mike Pierson challenged alumni to sponsor a $105 early registration scholarship for members of ZX to attend Pike University to be held in Kansas City. With Mike’s leadership alumni contributed 10 scholarships Saturday night!!! Those sponsors are:

Jim Holt (2)
Phillip Roberston
Mike Pierson
Chris Lee
Tony Wood
Brent Kuenzel
Kevin Green
Dave Krough
Jay Jackson (2)
Jim Roebuck

There is still time for others to take part of the $105 early registration (after November 5th the cost is $135). Pike U is the best training available for our guys. Those interested in contributing to Mike’s challenge need to send a check-made out to Pi Kappa Alpha, memo line write ZX Pike U, for $105.00, send to me at 1638 S. Enterprise, Springfield, MO 65804 or do so online at

We made page 1 of the Ozarks section in the News Leader Sunday.

Zeta Chi Alumni/Colony Annual Event 2011

October 6th, 2011

Register and Reserve – Weekend Package Price

Price includes parade T-shirt, Bearfest Village meal, game ticket and entrance to the evening Poker Night (chips not included). All the great memories are free.

Use to the PayPal Options and drop down menu below to Choose a Package:

Single package, Alumni $100 – Include Spouse/Other $150

Nester Award

September 9th, 2011

The Fraternity awards have been posted online at You should click the link below and see ZX listed as winner of the Nester Award for Outstanding Alumni Association for 2010-2011. This is very nice recognition for our Association. We all have to stop and smell the roses sometimes and this is one of those times for ZXAA. Many Alumni Associations exist with Pi Kappa Alpha, many are older and bigger. Only one in 2010-2011 can say they are the Nester Award winner by Pi Kappa Alpha. “Together We Can Achieve Great Things”. We did this for ZX by ZX.

Congratulations gentlemen!

Congratulations to all of us – Zeta Chi alumni and the Zeta Chi Alumni Association (ZXAA)

August 25th, 2011

Gentlemen –

Congratulations to all of us-Zeta Chi alumni and the Zeta Chi Alumni Association (ZXAA). On July 30, 2011, nine of us attended Pike Academy in Memphis, TN and received the William R. Nester Alumni Association of the Year Award on behalf of ZXAA! This award is presented annually and recognizes “The Outstanding Alumni Association In The Fraternity for 2010-2011”. It is something all of us should be proud to receive. This is our second National Award, Zeta Chi Alumni Association also received the “Outstanding New Alumni Association” in 2006-2007. We no longer hope to compete with the big dogs, because this year WE are the big dog!

Zeta Chi is a special group. The ZXAA intends to keep us together and promote alumni events and leadership for the ZX colony. Zeta Chi provided all of us unique and lasting memories. Supporting ZXAA as alumni with payment of your $50 annual dues will maintain our Association and allow us to continue activities established as the “Outstanding Alumni Association In The Fraternity”. The hope is everyone can attend our annual meeting each year, but if unable to do so, support ZXAA with your payment of annual dues. Payment options are: ZXAA Paypal link or sending me your $50 check made out to ZXAA, 1638 S. Enterprise, Springfield, MO 65804. Click here to view a listing of those current on 2011 dues.

October 28-30, 2011, ZXAA will host our annual meeting/Homecoming/Poker Night event. All alumni are asked to mark their calendars and plan on attending. This will be the first time alumni and the ZX colony come together as one. All events will be held at the Oasis Hotel and Convention Center in Springfield, MO. Agenda: Friday night-welcoming reception in the Oasis Bar and Grill, Saturday-Homecoming parade aboard our newly restored 1940 Ford Firetruck, Bearfest Village Pre Game, MSU Football game and Saturday night Poker Night, Sunday-departure. Rooms have been reserved under ZXAA. Formal invitations are being prepared and will be sent to all alumni listed in the directory at If you have changed addresses or have only an email listed you should go to our site and update “Are You Alumni”.

Colony members have returned and they are off to a great start. Everyone is looking forward to a big RUSH to complement our numbers. They are an amazing group of young men, and well deserving to become ZX Pikes! Emails and Facebook messages will be coming as Homecoming nears. Again, congratulations to all for being a part of the “Outstanding Alumni Association In The Fraternity in 2010-2011”.

3 Things!

July 22nd, 2011

Many good things are going on with ZX, I will try and be brief so please read entire message. Three things ZXAA needs to communicate:

1.) ZXAA has been successful because of the alumni. In order for us-ZXAA-to function with annual meetings, after hours, web site communications, planning, fire truck maintenance, printing and postage for alumni communications, etc. we need alumni to pay their annual dues of $50. ZXAA has made a point of not asking alumni for money except for annual dues and “Rally Around the Truck” campaign. As of 2011, 56 alumni have paid their $50 annual dues, out of 250+ in the directory. This needs to improve, our checkbook balance needs to be refreshed. It costs money to do the things we have done. We have many achievements to celebrate. Returning ZX to MSU, restoring and maintaining the fire truck are just two. Everyone listed in the directory with email has received a $50 dues invoice. Once you pay you annual dues you are removed from the list for that year. If not, you continue to receive an invoice. We need you to pay up, ZX is worth $50 a year. There are expenses involved with running a successful Association. The energy spent collecting dues takes away from more productive events for the Association, and truthfully is getting old. Click here to visit our Pay Pal Page.

2.) Hopefully everyone by now has heard ZXAA has won the 2011 William R. Nester Award-Outstanding Alumni Association from PKA. This is the second national award our Association has won from PKA. A Nester Award is given out each year and only 1 Alumni Association across the country is selected. It’s a big freakin’ deal! Your Association was selected to receive this recognition within all of PKA. Alumni are encouraged and asked to attend the presentation banquet on July 30, 2011 at Pike Academy, at Memphis University, Memphis, TN, 7-9:30pm. Dress is coat and tie. We have many already attending and would like many more. If you plan to attend you need to register for the banquet and email me so we have enough tables reserved. Here is the link. Check out the number of attendee’s already signed up and where they are coming from to see us accept our Nester Award!

3.) Missouri State Homecoming is October 28-30, 2011. ZXAA will be hosting a alumni/colony weekend event. Details are close to final. This will be the first time alumni and the new 75 man colony will be together. The weekend is geared around MSU homecoming events-parade, Bearfest Village, game, and ZX Saturday Poker Night at the Oasis. Formal invitations will be sent out and email notifications also. If your contact information has changed in our directory please update it at

Thanks for all you do, alumni have led the way and made the difference. Together our efforts won us a Nester Award-Outstanding Alumni Association. Send you dues guys, ZXAA needs the money!

“Together We Can Achieve Great Things”

Jim Roebuck, President
Zeta Chi Alumni Association

2011 William R. Nester Award-Outstanding Alumni Association

July 14th, 2011

Most of you will recall the award ZXAA received in 2006 for “New Outstanding Alumni Association” from Pi Kappa Alpha. At that time this was the only award ZX had received from The Pi Kappa Alpha International Fraternity. Many of you have also heard me say that from that point on we will be competing with the big boys, Alumni Associations from across the country. The William R. Nester Award is given out annually and only ONE Association receives this prestigious award each year.

It is with great joy I announce the winner of the 2011 William R. Nester Award-Outstanding Alumni Association- to Zeta Chi Alumni Association at Missouri State University.

We will receive our award at a banquet July 30, 2011 at Pike Academy in Memphis, TN. Myself and several others will attend and accept the award. All Zeta Chi alumni and chapter members are asked to attend and enjoy this moment. I have attached a link for those attending to register,

We won this because of you the alumni! ZXAA committee has provided much support and leadership over the years and the committee should and will be recognized at our next event at Homecoming. This award is a reflection of all ZX alumni and their commitment to ZX and the Fraternity. Our success is most prominent by returning ZX to Missouri State University. This event clearly above all else shows what ZX alumni have done. Without alumni ZX would never have returned to MSU. The “return of service” of our 1940 fire truck is another example of what ZX alumni can do and was recognize by our award. We need your continued support with annual dues to maintain the activities and support the ZX colony. We need everyone to step up, pay your annual dues, and support ZXAA with payment of your annual dues. Here is the link to our Paypal site or send me your $50 check made to ZXAA, 1638 S. Enterprise, Springfield, MO 65804.

All of us should be very proud to receive this award and my hope is many will join us in Memphis in celebration. See you in Memphis….Very well done boys!

Zeta Chi Pike Alumni and Colony Member Gathering In the Kansas City Area – July 8, 2011

June 16th, 2011

This event is to connect alumni from all age groups, including spouses and significant others, and current Zeta Chi Colony Members for a social exchange as we prepare for the chapter to become fully recognized on the Missouri State University campus this fall.

While the event is in Kansas City, we would love to see folks from outside the metroplex as well. The details are below.

When: Friday, July 8, 2011 from 6:30 pm to 9 pm

Where: Coach’s Bar & Grill
14893 Metcalf Avenue
Overland Park, KS 66223
913.897.7070 (We will have a separate room)

RSVP: Please email Kevin Green if you plan to attend and note how many will be in your party (
General Coach’s Web site and Find Us Link (Overland Park Location not Kansas City)

So mark your calendars and join us for a drink, dinner if you like and some Pike fellowship.

Greetings Zeta Chi Alumni, family, friends and COLONY MEMBERS:

April 11th, 2011

WOW! Much to share and little space to do so. Great things going on with the Zeta Chi colony at Missouri State University!!! First things first, let’s talk about Zeta Chi Alumni Association (ZXAA). Our data in the directory is aging somewhat and would request anyone that has changed mailing or email information to update “Are you Alumni” at This is how we communicate and need to keep this data as current as possible. Also, we are on Facebook-Zeta Chi Alumni Association. The colony also has a FB page-Missouri State Pikes.

Everyone was sent an Annual Dues invoice by email. We need you to renew or join the Association. The expenses of ZXAA are very small and money received is used directly back to Zeta Chi. Dues are $50 a year. We have many great things going and need funds to re supply our account to continue. If you would like to send a check, make your check to ZXAA, send to Jim Roebuck, 1638 S. Enterprise, Springfield, MO 65804.

Upcoming events have been scheduled. April 25, 2011 there will be a “After Hours” at Ebbett’s Field South, 5-7 pm with Colony members in attendance. Our next big event will be MSU Homecoming, October 28-30, 2011. Plans are currently being made and formal invitations, email and FB notifications will be sent as the time gets closer. Rooms have been reserved. Initial plans are for a Friday night reception, Saturday morning parade, tailgate at Bearfest Village—Firetruck in attendance of course—football game and a evening event. This is the event for alumni to return and spend time with the new 70 man ZX colony. These guys want to meet alumni. MARK YOUR CALENDARS!

The firetruck is looking good and running like never before. She has made a few appearances and ready for many more. ZXAA will be needing to insure the truck in ZXAA’s name and locate a storage location. This is another need for everyone paying their dues.

It appears that all requirements have been met for ZX-Pi Kappa Alpha to be recognized by Missouri State University as a student organization. Today we added Mr. Kyle Moats, Athletic Director at Missouri State as our Faculty Representative. Keep in mind the colony still has high expectations to achieve in order to earn the chapter charter from PKA. We are hopeful this will occur next Spring.

I asked Peter Krause, ZX’s Alumni Relations Representative to provide a short update on ZX:
PIKE has already been doing some amazing things at Missouri State as well as the surrounding community. Almost 40 members of MSU PIKE’s teamed up with Missouri S&T PIKE’s to volunteer with Habitat for Humanity March 19. Together we accomplished lots of yard work and moved lots of things at the Habitat warehouse. PIKE also scored their first win in intramural dodge ball and softball this past week. PIKE is already forming a large footprint here at Missouri State. Closing in on 70 men, more great things are sure to come. All of us in the colony are anxious for our Alumni “After Hours” event at Ebbett’s Field South April 25th. We encourage all alumni to attend and meet the men of PIKE!

There is a current photo of ZX’s colony on the firetruck at our home page at, check it and the site out when you have time. Mark your calendars for October, update your contact information if needed and SEND YOUR DUES! Zeta Chi is back boys—We did it!

“Together We Can Achieve Great Things”
Jim Roebuck, President
Zeta Chi Alumni Association