We currently have 120 members to our Association. The goal has always been to reach 200 by December 31, 2006. At our Association meeting in July two brothers have offered to pledge $10,000 each if the membership of 200 is met by the end of the year. THE PUSH IS ON FOR 200!!!! We are asking everyone to make a call or two to alumni you are in contact with and tell them of the Association and importance of them becoming members to re colonize Zeta Chi. Announced at our July meeting was that Zeta Chi is scheducled for re colonization in the 2007-2008 school year. Be sure to tell about ZetaChiPikes.com, this site is improving weekly and will become our source of communication with everyone. Have anyone with questions to contact me at (417) 882-3266 or Jim.Roebuck.bky4@statefarm.com. We need everyone to make a few contacts to make this happen. Together we can achieve great things.
In Phi Phi KA-
Jim Roebuck, President