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Archive for February, 2012

Hey, ZX Nation


A new year and new things for ZXAA! Coming off the award winning year for ZXAA-Outstanding Alumni Association 2011-we continue to be active and communicate with alumni. I wanted to provide an update on events and ZX.

The ZX colony continues to impress and work towards chartering this Spring. The chartering process is difficult and requires a day to day commitment. They have completed everything necessary to this point and are on time to charter this Spring. Jay Nicholson is the Alumni Advisor and continues his leadership with the colony. As I have said, they are an impressive bunch and hope everyone has an opportunity to spend time with them. More will be coming to you as the chartering nears. They are expecting a successful Spring RUSH with a goal of 25.

Zeta Chi Alumni Association (ZXAA) Housing Corporation is officially in place. Baxter Hall Properties (BHP) is currently seeking a house to rent for the colony/chapter for the Fall semester of 2012. I think everyone will agree to the importance of a house for ZX. A requirement of the colony is no charter, no house. Mac Humphries is the President of BHP and we need to thank Mike Cully, Gary Burgess and Mac for getting Baxter Hall Properties in place. Board Members of BHP: Mac Humphries, Mike Cully, Tim Nichols, Phil Robertson, Ken Schwab, Mike Dailey, Todd Branson, Jeff Layman, Gary Burgess, and Jim Roebuck.
Dues come out each year on March 1. This year, by popular request, we will add the option of automatically renewing your dues each year by credit card. You complete this once and forget about it! This will be a PayPal option you select and each year on March 1 your credit card will be charged $50. Dues are the only source of income ZXAA has and your support is needed each year for continue success. The other options for paying dues will continue.
I include a request from Ali Zakka for his support from ZX alumni as ZX Relay for Life team captain, any amount is helpful, if you can send him a check it goes to a great cause:

Hello Mr. Roebuck,

It’s Ali Zakka, and I am Pi Kappa Alpha’s Relay for life team captain. Relay for Life is a fundraising event that fight against cancer. As team captain, I have to assemble a team and try to raise a $100 and each member is required to do the same. The money that is raised will go towards treatments and help cancer patients cope with the disease in a positive way. The final event for Relay for Life is Friday April the 13th which will last from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. The night will basically be a celebration and more fundraising events to help relieve the troubles of cancer patients. Some of my ideas for raising money are to ask students in the dining halls, hold a video game tournament and maybe a rock concert. With all of this being said, I would like to ask you, would you be interested in donating some money to help the cause? If you have any more questions about Relay for Life that I did not answer, please visit the Relay for Life website at
Thank you.

Pike Nation,

Ali Zakka.
My address: 1021 E. Harrison St. Rm 302, Springfield, MO 65807.

The colony will host several colony/alumni events this year. Dates scheduled are February 13, March 1, April 9, 2012 from 6-8 pm and will all be held at Ebbet’s Field South, 3662 S Glenstone Ave, Springfield, MO 65804. The colony is charged $200 for the event and all food and drink during that time comes off the charge. Alumni should stop by and have dinner, drink of choice, on these nights with the colony. There will also be give away items! As with all our events spouses and others are welcome.

As always, update your information in the directory if it has changed. Follow ZXAA at and on Facebook: Zeta Chi Alumni Association. The colony is on Facebook: Missouri State Pikes and Twitter.