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Archive for May, 2012

Chartering Weekend

As you know this past weekend May 4, 5, 2012 the ZX colony was installed into the ZX chapter. Thanks for all those that attended and sent well wishes! Here is a brief rundown of the weekend. Friday night 80 ZX colony members where initiated. There were 4 rooms completing the ritual going at the same time. Many thanks to the men from Iowa State, Rockhurst, William Woods and Missouri S&T for making this happen. It started at 6 pm and the last ZX was initiated at 2:30 am.

Saturday at 2 pm was the chapter installation where ZX was officially installed as an active chapter. PKA International President Kevin Virta presided over the ceremony. He was supported by Joseph F. Wegelin, Director of Expansion, Lance Horner, Director of Services, Larry Eby, Regional President.
Saturday evening was the chartering banquet and University Plaza. All 80 chapter members were in a black tux and the lovely ladies that attended with them enhanced the evening. We enjoyed a great meal and speakers of Dr. Earle Doman and Andrea Weber from MSU along with the IFC and Panhellenic Presidents. Kevin Virta was the keynote speaker. Chapter awards were presented along with naming ZX’s Dream Girl. Twenty alumni attended the banquet. The actual charter will be presented to ZX in Denver, CO at the PKA National Convention this summer.

The firetruck was in attendance all weekend and took Kevin Virta and others for a ride around campus after the banquet.
The chapter has strong numbers and great leadership. Along with a very active Chapter Advisory (Jay Nicholson) and Zeta Chi Alumni Association (ZXAA), they are set up for long term success. Baxter Hall Properties is actively looking for housing opportunities for the chapter. The scholarship committee just this week made their recommendation for the 1st John Jackson Zeta Chi Pike Scholarship winner. The firetruck committee is standing by to have the 1940 Ford available when the chapter calls. ZX has it going on!!!!
What can you do?

1.) Send your $50 annual dues to ZXAA by going to Expenses have grown with firetruck insurance and storage. We also are wanting to support ZX’s efforts to travel to Denver and Pike U. We need everyone to kick in $50 bucks each year to continue our programs.

2.) I am fully aware of the difficulties of making all the events. Make yourself available and attend homecoming, annual meeting, one event every year or every other year.

3.) Stay current in the directory, update changes so we can maintain communication.

4.) Pick up the phone and call a ZX you haven’t talked with in years.

ZX is a special group of people. We did want many thought impossible, not so with ZX. “Together We Can Achieve Great Things”

National charter from Pi Kappa Alpha


I have two points for this message:

1.) This upcoming weekend, May 4, 5, ZX will receive a National charter from Pi Kappa Alpha. Invitations have been sent, FB and email to all 280 in our directory. Friday and Saturday are Pike only events, Saturday evening is the banquet (black tie) Pikes and others welcome. If you plan to attend, and we hope everyone can, RSVP by email to [](

Also, those who want to help in the cause can send a donation to help offset costs to the colony for the weekend. Make your checks to Zeta Chi and sent to 1638 S. Enterprise, Springfield, MO 65804. Any and all help I’m sure they would appreciate.

2.)ZXAA has come a long way. I am attaching a letter from Joe Callahan, Housing Corporation board member and hope eveyone will take the time to read. ZX is a special group and to move forward and maintain our association I hope everyone will support the efforts by [sending your $50 annual dues today by clicking here]( All of us have a piece of ZX within us. What we have is unique within PKA. We have an award winning alumni association that is active and contributing to the success of the chapter. We did it together for ZX by ZX. Thanks for all of your current and continued support!