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Archive for October, 2009

Decision on Zeta Chi Presentation to IFC

This morning I received a phone call from Ryan Collett, Expansion Director of PiKA. Zeta Chi was not selected to re colonize at Missouri State University in the Spring of 2010. The selection was given to Sigma Nu, the second choice was Beta’s and they will be offered colonization in 1 ½ years. I cannot express in words my disappointment and my personal feeling of responsibility for this failure. I felt we had a good game plan and implemented it and I thought our presentation was done very well. Many people had much time and effort invested in this decision. My personal thanks to everyone, to all Zeta Chi that I asked for help, no one said no, everyone stepped up.

I have a follow up with Dean Doman next week and will seek his feedback.

Options: Very few, but all will be discussed in full by the committee and carefully considered.

Where do we go from here: On re colonization, time will tell, but this was our shot, it will be many years before another opportunity is offered. With Zeta Chi Alumni Association, we continue to build and improve, we stay together and grow closer, communicate and improve relations within Zeta Chi. “Once a Pike, always a Pike”, same to be said of Zeta Chi-“Once Zeta Chi, always Zeta Chi”.


Final plans for October 8, 2009:

All alumni welcome/needed to “Line the Halls” for our October 8, 2009 presentation to IFC. We will meet at 2:00pm PSU 313 (Plaster Student Union) Traywick Parliamentary Room. Presentation is at 2:30pm, 3:30 Open Forum at PSU 313—“LINE THE HALL” guys may attend, Wrap up at 4 pm, 5 pm Zeta Chi Rally at Ebbett’s Field.

Everyone needed, LAST CALL!

Everything is in place, we are ready!


Jim Roebuck, President
Zeta Chi Alumni Association
(417) 882-3266

Re-Colonize Zeta Chi

On October 8, 2009, at 2:30 pm Headquarters and I (representing Zeta Chi Alumni) will present to the IFC at Missouri State University for the purpose to re colonize Zeta Chi in the Spring of 2010. Three other Fraternities will also present during the week, one will be selected. I will notify alumni with the decision by mass email and web post. This is it, ZXAA #1 objective-1.) Re colonize Zeta Chi.

We have everything in place at this time. The presentation is all that remains. Thank you to the 100+ alumni who have completed the Mentoring questionnaire. It is still not too late for you to do complete a questionnaire and be counted as part of the presentation, contact me at

ALL ALUMNI ARE WELCOME AND LOCAL ALUMNI HAVE BEEN SENT POSTCARDS TO “LINE THE HALLS” ON OCTOBER 8TH. Per IFC rules only 7 can attend the presentation, 6 Alumni Advisory Board members and myself. Having alumni in the hallway showing support will be noticed. We will meet at 2:00 pm at PSU (Plaster Student Union) 313 Traywick Parliamentary Room, and rally at 5 pm at Ebbett’s Field.

Membership to the Association is key, you can do so using the Paypal link above and “Join the Association”. Feel free to contact me with any questions or (417) 882-3266.

Jim Roebuck, President
Zeta Chi Alumni Association