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Archive for November, 2006

Alumni Association Update

Greetings all Zeta Chi brethren! There is some very exciting movement within our Alumni Association in this, our first full year of existence.

For those who are joining us for the first time, the Association was formed in an effort to re-colonize the Zeta Chi Chapter after its silence on the campus of Missouri State University for nearly four years. Our effort has been met with involvement, commitment and excitement form all Zeta Chi Alumni.

Last summer we held our first annual meeting in Springfield, with more the 50 ZX alumni in attendance. We can now look forward to our next gathering this coming summer. Dates are to be announced soon. Be watching for your invitation!

In other recent social event news, the 25th Annual ZX Fall Float was held on the Eleven Point River in October. With more the 35 ZX alumni and friends of the chapter, the weekend yielded great trout fishing, fun floating and campfire stories by the score. Don’t miss next year’s event, and watch this website for details.

Now down to the business at hand: progress in the Alumni Association. Membership continues to be our NUMBER ONE PRIORITY. Our membership drive is moving toward its goal of 200 by the end of 2006 with 145 paid members to date. Final pushes were made by the membership committee during “call arounds” in October, November and into December. But, our contact lists are limited and incomplete. The Association needs YOUR HELP in contacting non-members.

The goal has always been to reach 200 by December 31, 2006. At our Association meeting in July two brothers have offered to pledge $10,000 each if the membership of 200 is met by the end of the year. THE PUSH IS ON FOR 200!!! We are asking everyone to make calls to alumni and tell them of the Association and importance of them becoming members to re-colonize Zeta Chi. Have anyone with questions to contact me at (417) 882-3266 or WE NEED EVERYONE TO MAKE SEVERAL CONTACTS TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN! Together we can achieve great things, so pick up the phone, tell your brothers to log on the this website, print the form and send it with $50 payable to Zeta Chi Alumni Association. (“Join the Association” link)

What happens next? The Pi Kappa Alpha National Headquarters has calendared ZX to be re-colonized in the 2007-2008 school year. Once we reach our membership goal, Headquarters will seek approval from Missouri State University and IFC to start the re-colonization process. Headquarters will send in a re-colonization team of experts to handle the details. Once re-colonization is achieved it will be the duty of the Association to stay in close touch with the Chapter, provide management and leadership, lending youthful brothers our life experience and knowledge to allow them the same opportunity of learning and knowing the same benefits of Pi Kappa Alpha membership we enjoyed during our formative college years.

You can make this happen. Contact a brother today and urge them to join the Zeta Chi Alumni Association. Thanks for all of your support, have a safe and wonderful Holiday season.

Yours in Phi Phi KA-

Jim Roebuck, President
Zeta Chi Alumni Association