The weekend of November 11-13, Pike University will be held in Kansas City, MO. Mike Pearson stepped up and sponsored the first scholarship to Pike U. and challenged other alumni to follow suit. These efforts have produced 19 scholarships/attendees of ZX to this weekend’s event. Pike U is a professional showcase which only will benefit our colony members. This is a tremendous accomplishment started by Mike and supported by alumni. Congratulations gentlemen, nicely done. ZXAA also provided $600 in hotel expenses for our gentlemen to stay in Kansas City. Below is a list of those providing scholarships:
Jim Holt (2)
Phillip Roberston
Mike Pearson
Chris Lee
Tony Wood
Brent Kuenzel
Kevin Green
Dave Krough
Jay Jackson (2)
Brian Noble (2)
Michael Shank
Kim Hancock
Mac Humphries
Kenny Rahmeyer
Zeta Chi Alumni Association
Jim Roebuck
Thanks again for everyone’s support towards this program.
Jim Roebuck, President
Zeta Chi Alumni Association