Pi Kappa Alpha turned 144 years old on March 1st!! We should all feel good that ZX is alive a well, currently with a 105 man colony. They will complete the charting process within 12 months. Chartering is a difficult process and requires a day to day commitment. Only 20 % of PIKE colonies charter in 12 months and ZX did it! Chartering is set for May 5, 2012. More details will be coming as they are developed. Baxter Hall Properties (ZX Housing Corporation) is actively searching for ZX housing to rent for next fall. They are an extremely active bunch and very PIKE.
ZXAA (Zeta Chi Alumni Association) remains involved and very active. Founder’s Day is also the time to join or renew your annual $50 ZXAA dues. The options of PayPal and mailing a check remain available (1638 S. Enterprise, Springfield, MO 65804). Your payment is the only source a revenue available to ZXAA and used to support ZXAA and ZX. Expenses for operating ZXAA remain very low, the majority of revenue is spent on the fire truck (insurance, storage and maintenance), ZX scholarships and special programs, and the ZXAA annual meeting.
Pay your Dues
Once a year ZXAA asks you for $50. Your support is needed and critical to the continued success of the Association. Send your dues today!!! ZXAA has been the driving force to the 105 member colony we enjoy today. ZXAA looks to maintain the support and programs as has been developed and your payment is the way for that to continue. Click Here to send your payment today!!!!