Annual Campaign



Alumni Association
of the Year
2011 - 2012

William R. Nester Award
2010 - 2011

Outstanding New
Alumni Association
2006 - 2007

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2017 ZXAA Annual Meeting and Golf Tournament

Please join us for the Zeta Chi Alumni Association annual meeting and golf tournament on June 24, 2017.

We will have a great day of golf at the beautiful Golf Club At Deer Chase in Linn Creek, MO (

The event will include a 4-person scramble, box lunch and awards reception with dinner following golf.

Register now and remember to invite your friends to play.

Schedule of Events

10:00am Zeta Chi Alumni Association Annual Meeting – Deer Chase Golf Club

12:00 noon Shotgun Start

4 Person Scramble $400 Per Team Includes: *18 Holes of Golf w/cart *Box Lunch and Dinner Following Golf

6:00 pm Awards Dinner and Auction * Dinner Only option available

Proceeds Benefit Zeta Chi Annual Fund


Hole Sponsorships Available for $50 Donation. Don’t have a foursome? Signup as an individual golfer and we can arrange the teams.

Use the link below to register for the meeting and golf tournament


Need a hotel? Inn at Grand Glaize has rooms starting at $119. Use this link to reserve a room


Thank you for your support of the Zeta Chi Alumni Association.


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