Renewals for membership into the Association have been sent. Anyone not receiving one needs to go to “Are you ZX Alumni” and update the directory and go to “Join the Association” and print out the PDF and mail your check to the address listed. Membership is the key to our success, so I ask everyone to renewal your membership and those yet to join to do so today!
Invitations have been sent to our annual meeting set for September 21, 22, 23 in Springfield. The agenda is listed under “Events”. Mike Riley the Heartland President will be our guest speaker and bring us up to date on the re colonization efforts. The weekend is full of social activities. All alumni and guests are welcome. Remember you will need to make your own room reservations–suggested hotel information is listed in “Events”.
We have had much success within our first two years, however to maintain and suceed in our first objective-1. Re colonize Zeta Chi will require continued gowth in membership and support of the Association by alumni.
There has been changes to the Committee. Instead of having only local alumni involved in the Associatin business, we now are using a teleconference service allowing alumni from outside the area to be part of the process. The committee is made up of Jay Nicholson, David Stewart, Mike Call, Josh Nixon, Tim Nichols-KC Chairman, Jeff Counts-St. Louis Chairman, Craig Neiderstadt-Texas Chairman, Bill Perry, Dan Seely, Barry Johnson, Mac Humphries, Kent McPhail and Jim Roebuck.
On behalf of the Committee, I would like to personally invite all ZX alumni to our annual meeting Sept. 21, 22, 23 in Springfield. If you have any questions or concerns you may reach me at (417) 882-3266 or
“Once a Pike, Always A Pike”
JCR 8-26-2007